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All Collections Marketing Module
Marketing Module
Help Articles for Marketing Module
78 articles in this collection
Written by Roy and Bob Smith
How to create or import contacts
Creating or importing contacts via CSV file.
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to create lists
Creating Lists
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Difference between Smart and Static list
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to create forms
Creating forms to capture leads data
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over 7 months ago
Can I import my own code to create a landing page
Creating landing page using your own code
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Difference between Inline and Pop up forms
Difference between Inline and Pop up forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I add the form to the website
Adding a form to the website
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to build landing pages
Building creative landing pages using a landing page builder
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I customize the URL of the landing page
Customizing the URL of the landing page with your domain
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I add a form to the landing page
Adding a form to the landing pages to capture lead data
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I create a video template
Creating a video template
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I create email templates
Creating email templates that can be used in the emails
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I import my own code to create a template
Importing your own code to create a template
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How can I see contacts that submitted a form
View contacts that submitted a form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I use the email or video templates I created
Using the email and video templates in the emails
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is a Broadcast, and how do you create one
Creating an email broadcast to send emails
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is an A/B broadcast, and how I create one
Creating A/B broadcast
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is an RSS broadcast and how to set it up
Creating a RSS broadcast
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I duplicate a broadcast
Duplicate a broadcast
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How can I check for opens and other stats
Checking for opens and other stats in an email broadcast
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I resend the email to the ones who did not open the email
Resending Broadcast emails to the ones who didn't open the email
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I schedule a time for the emails to be sent at
Scheduling emails
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is an email sequence
About email sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to create a Sequence
Creating an email sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over 9 months ago
How do I duplicate a sequence
Duplicate a sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I check the stats for a sequence
Checking Stats of a sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is automation
About Automation
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is a workflow
About Workflow
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Difference between automation and workflows
Difference between automation and workflows
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different triggers you can use on an Automation
Different triggers that can be used in the Automation
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are actions and conditions and how to use them
Using actions and conditions in the Automation
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to run an SMS broadcast
Create and run a SMS broadcast
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I add my social media accounts
Adding social media acounts
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to schedule posts to social media
Schedule posts to social media
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What kind of reports can I generate
Generating reports
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to add reports to the marketing dashboard
Adding reports to the Marketing dashboard
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are sticky bars
About Sticky bars
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are site messages
About Site Messages
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is a web rule
About Web rules
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I set up Push notifications
Set up push notifications
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I personalize my emails
Personalize emails using merge fields
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I send emails directly to a contact
Sending one-one emails directly to a contact
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How does Web Analytics work
Working of Web Analytics
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is custom domain
About custom domain
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to remove a contact from an automation
Removing a contact from an automation
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different options on forms
Different options on forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What can I do on the Change text tab
Change text tab of the inline form.
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is Look & Feel
Look & Feel in the inline forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are fields
About fields on the form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are temporary fields
About Temporary fields on forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are hidden fields and how do I use them
About Hidden fields and the way to use them on forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What Is a Validation pattern
About Validation Pattern and where to use it
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over 15 days ago
What are the different options on the Settings tab of the Inline form
Different options on the settings tab of the Inline form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is Style on popup forms
About Style tab on the popup form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is Call to Action on popup forms
About call to action on popup forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different options on the Settings tab of the popup form
Different options on the settings tab of the popup form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I enable reCaptcha for my forms?
Enable reCaptcha for forms
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over 5 months ago
Other options under settings
A few other options under Settings of the popup form
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different types of Content I can use on landing pages
Different types of content that can be use on the landing pages
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are blocks on the landing page builder
Different blocks on the landing page builder
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I save a block and reuse it on another page
Saving a block and resuing it on another landing page.
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are views, unique views, contact, and conversions
Views, Unique Views, contacts and conversions on the landing pages
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is a category for email template
Category for email template
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are blocks on template builder
Blocks on template builder
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different types of Content I can use on templates
Different types of contact that can be used on the templates
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What is select filter on broadcasts
Select filter on broadcasts and when it is used.
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What do I exclude lists from a sequence
Exclude lists from a sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Can I change the order of emails on the sequence
Changing order of emails on the sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different triggers for marketing automation and how do they each work
Different triggers for Marketing automation and how do they each work
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are the different actions and conditions on the Contact Tab of the automation builder
Different actions and conditions on the Contact Tab of the automation
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What are Activities under marketing
Activities under marketing
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
What kind of reports can be generated under marketing
Types of reports that can be generated under Marketing
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How do I access the reports
Accessing reports
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to add tags
Adding tags to contacts, companies, deals, managing tags using tag manager
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to add contacts to the sequence?
Adding contacts to the Sequence
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to create Site Messages?
Creating Site Messages
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
How to create sticky bars
Creating Sticky Bars
Written by Bob Smith
Updated over year ago
Automations in EngageBay
This guide will tell you all about how to create and run Automations in EngageBay
Written by Roy
Updated over year ago
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